Hello there!

Originally from Connecticut, I received my BFA in Film and Video from the School of Visual Arts in New York City and have remained there ever since.

Since then, I’ve gone to write copy for a variety of brands (as seen here).

Using analytics and research to inform my uniquely human approach, I create compelling content that transcends trends and connects on a deeper level. 

My areas of expertise include beauty, luxury, fashion, performing arts, and lifestyle.

When I’m not working on my writing, I’m either waiting for the curtain to rise at a Broadway show, walking in the Heather Garden at Fort Tryon park, or cuddling with my cat Shireen while we watch Star Wars. 

Currently reading: After the Romanovs: Russian Exiles in Paris from the Belle Epoque through revolution and War by Helen Rappaport

Currently listening: Dirty Paws by Of Monsters and Men.

Currently (re)watching: The Sopranos

Want to work together? Shoot me an email at halmartincreates@gmail.com